USCB is ONE UNiversity with three distinct campuses located in Bluffton, Beaufort, and Hilton Head Island.

USCB Junior Mentored by Dr. Kim Ritchie Presents at Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference

USCB Junior Mentored by Dr. Kim Ritchie Presents at Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference


USCB Junior Daniel Conrad presented research conducted in Dr. Kim Ritchie’s Marine Microbiology Lab in November at the Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference on the University of North Georgia’s Gainesville Campus. His presentation was entitled “Antibiotic-producing bacteria associated with sharks of St. Helena and Port Royal Sound.”

Babet Villena-Alvarez Completes 2018 Fulbright-Hays Seminar in Poland

Babet Villena-Alvarez Completes 2018 Fulbright-Hays Seminar in Poland

Dr. Ellen Malphrus Discusses Poetry, Writing, Teaching and the Pat Conroy Literary Festival

Dr. Ellen Malphrus Discusses Poetry, Writing, Teaching and the Pat Conroy Literary Festival